2015 Deireadh Seachtaine na Gaeilge
Learn to speak IRISH (An Ghaeilge) !!Sponsored by DFW Gaelic League & The Fulbright Commission of Ireland
Lucky Dog Bookstore
10801 Garland Road, Dallas, TX 75218 [Click Here For Google Maps Link]Saturday March 21st, 2015
10:00am - 1:00pm - BeginnersA little to no experience
2:30pm - 5:30pm - Lower Intermediate
Basic sentences and Vocabulary
Sunday March 22nd 2015
12:30pm - 3:30pm - Upper IntermediateSimple to moderate conversation ability
$30 for first session - $25 for each addition session
Maximum of 10 students per session
Guest Instructor:
Clár Johnston (Báile Átha Cliath)
Currently teaching at University of St. Thomas, St. Paul MNFor additional information contact John McGuire maguidhir56 at gmail dot com